In the Qur’aan it states that we as Muslims believe in the books Torah and Bible (revelations) and that Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is the last Prophet and messenger. Based on this, am I permitted to the read the Torah, as I would like to know the 300 names of Allah that is in the Torah. Please advise.
Undoubtedly, the Torah was a Holy Scripture granted to Musa (Alaihissalaam) by Allah Ta’ala. However, as it is mentioned in the Qur’aan and proven from authentic sources, the Torah has been interfered with and it is no more the original Torah that was given to Musa (Alaihissalaam). The Jews had changed many of the injunctions and statements of the Torah to suite their personal likings.
Although there still remain certain parts which have been unchanged, it will be difficult to ascertain which parts have been distorted and which parts have been preserved in their original form.
Therefore, it would be better not to read the Torah at all as this might confuse a person.
And Allah Knows Best.