APS – Absent Parent Syndrome I hate my father, the man who worked 6 days a week for the past 25 years. Yet, somehow, I wish always he had time to spend with me, and never once let me down. Who in fact, worked 12 hours a day when my …
Read More »Seeking Forgiveness for Backbiting
Nasihah (Advice): Backbiting and slandering Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, “Do you know what is backbiting?” The Companions said: “Allah and His Messenger know better.”He said, “Backbiting is talking about your (Muslim) brother in a manner which he dislikes.” It was said …
Read More »40 day Mourning Period
Nasihah (Advice): Duration for Mourning the Deceased Sayyidatuna Ummu Atiyya Radhiyallahu Anha narrated, “We were forbidden to mourn for more than three days except for a husband.” (Bukhari) ________________________________________________ Question and Answer: Q: Aslm Mufti, hope you well, I wanted to find out what the significance of the 40 …
Read More »Obedience To One’s Deceased Parents
Question: How can we show obedience / Fulfill the rights of our parents after their demise? Answer: Sayyiduna Abu Usaid Malik bin Rabi’ah As-Sa’idi Radhiyallahu Anhu reports: We were sitting with Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam when a man of Banu Salamah came to him and asked, …
Read More »Striking the Balance in Upbringing
Question: Assalaamu ‘alaikum Our question is regarding how we should go about raising our child. My baby is small and I try to save him from environments and people that could have a negative effect on him. Some family members have a television or their mindset is different. Therefore, in a …
Read More »Shaking hands with one’s son in law
Question: What is the Islamic opinion on the permissibility of a mother in law shaking hands with / hugging / kissing her son in law and vice versa. Similarly, what is the Islamic opinion on the permissibility of a father in law shaking hands with / hugging / …
Read More »How Can I groom my Children to be Future Role Models?
Question: Assalam Alaikum Mufti Sahab, I recently attended your seminar. I have the following URGENT question and I apologize for the rush. I have been trying very hard to bring up my children in an Islamic environment, However, things are not going as I expected. The children are …
Read More »Age of Aishah RadhiyAllāhu Anhā at the time of Marriage
Question: I was reading the article related to Aishah Radhiyallāhu Anhā about her marriage with our Nabī Sallallāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam. In this article, the author has given some facts to prove that she was not nine when she got married. Kindly tell me your views in detail. Hereunder is …
Read More »Isale Sawaab for my parents
Question I have in the past built a mosque for my deceased parents and now, with my wife and her brother and sisters we will Insha Allah build a mosque with the niyat that my mother and father in law will benefit as Isaal e Thawaab. My Niyyat is one …
Read More »Ultrasound
Question As salaamu Alaykum 1. I am currently in the process of getting hospital plan with discovery medical aid, is this permissible and if so is it permissible to take it with gap cover. 2. My wife and I are expecting a baby, it is currently 20 weeks into …
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