Questions. (1) Is the hadith concerning the fifteen of Shabaan “totally and absolutely weak”? (2) Is it true that one of the narrators of this hadith was regarded as a fabricator and liar? (3)While it has been narrated in many authentic Ahadith that Rasulullah (S.A.W.) fasted for most of the …
Read More »Labelling People/Ulama as Disbelievers – Takfiris
I AM DESPONDENT. IF ‘ULAMA CAN EASILY BECOME APOSTATES/KĀFIRS, WHERE DO I STAND? Question: I am very confused. I observe some ‘Ulama/Muftis practising and propagating the Deen of Allah. What I fail to understand is that some ‘Ulama/Muftis are declared as apostates and kafirs by others, due to various differences. …
Read More »The term في سبيل الله in the Quran – Does it refer to Jihad or Tabligh?
Question: Please clarify whether a saathi applied this Hadith correctly: Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) is reported to have said: ‘Going in the path of Allah is better than making ‘Ibadah on Laylatul Qadr, in front of the Hajar Aswad (black stone)’ (Sahih Ibn Hibban; Al Ihsan, Hadith: …
Read More »A Hadith falsely attributed to Sahih Bukhari
Question Where in Sahih Bukhari does this Hadith appear? Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “In three situations, if you pray du’a, it will definitely be accepted: 1) When your body starts shaking. 2) When you got fear in your heart. 3) When you got tears in your eyes. Nabi …
Read More »Authenticity of Hadith compilations
Question I am having suspicions and doubts.I was reading around on the internet and read somewhere that hadiths were collected after the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) time and therefore many of them are not authentic.I also read that muslims have so many sects.Now every time I read fazail e amal or …
Read More »Authentic Hadith of what to recite before sleep?
Question Can you please tell me if this hadith is found in any of the hadith books. Rasulullah (saw) said to hazrat Ali (ra): oh Ali: 1) give 4000 dinar in sadaqa daily, 2) read a whole quran daily, 3) pay the price of jannat daily, 4) make peace …
Read More »Hadith on Origin of Third Kalimah Question: Is the following narration authentic? It has become very popular on social media: The third kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah Ta’ala created Adam (‘alayhis salam). The Angels were trying to move the ‘Arsh (Throne) of Allah Ta’ala but it was …
Read More »Hanafi or Muslim?
Question: A friend at campus often asks fellow students: “Are you a Muslim or a Hanafi/Shaafi‘ee?” How does one respond to such a question? Please advise. Answer: The word “or” (in the context of the question) is used between two words of the same species. It is correct to ask …
Read More »Hadith on replying to the Azaan?
Nasihah (Advice): Imam Shafi’ee (Rahimahullah) said: “True knowledge is that which benefits oneself or others, not information that is merely memorized” (Siyar a’laam an-Nubalaa’) ____________________________________________________ Question and Answer: Q. The holy Prophet Mohammad (SalallaAllahu Alehi Wasallam) said, stop doing everything during the Azan even reading the Quran, (and repeat …
Read More »Times of Fitnah
Question: What is the meaning of the hadith regarding migrating to caves and valleys in the age of fitna? What should a common Muslim do nowadays to preserve his Imaan? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu Imam Bukhari narrates in …
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