China has banned civil servants, students and teachers in its mainly Muslim Xinjiang region from fasting during Ramadan and ordered restaurants to stay open. Most Muslims are required to fast from dawn to dusk during the holy month, but China’s ruling Communist party is officially atheist and for years …
Search Results for: ramadaan
May, 2019
February, 2019
- 4 February
Ramadaan & Perpetual Salaah Timetables 1440 / 2019
The Ramadaan Times for over 350 Southern African Towns and Cities can be accessed by clicking the link below. Times sheets have Tab-separated-values and can be pasted directly into Excel. Times sheets can also be downloaded as an image file (by clicking the link at the bottom). Ramadaan & Perpetual Salaah Timetables 1440/2019
June, 2018
- 6 June
Rohingya Ramadaan Relief
Alhamdulillah, the Jamiat KZN international relief team continues to personally coordinate and supervise its distribution of humanitarian aid to the Rohingya refugees. Our most recent trip involved the distribution of food aid to the refugees who are in dire need of food this Ramadaan. Thayankali Camp Alhumdulillah, we completed …
May, 2018
- 19 May
PROJECT H.E.L.P. – Pre-Ramadaan Distribution
In an attempt to provide some comfort this Ramadaan to a few of our underprivileged Muslims in Durban, the Jamiat KZN Project H.E.L.P. team undertook a pre-Ramadaan distribution to a small community of Malawian nationals residing in a dilapidated house in Centre Street, Overport. The team discovered 2 families …
June, 2017
- 5 June
China is trying to stop Muslims in Xinjiang from observing Ramadaan
Cii Radio| Ayesha Ismail| 01 June 2017| 06 Ramadaan 1438 China is trying to prevent people from fasting during Ramadan in the predominantly Muslim province of Xinjiang. According to the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), officials in the region ordered all restaurants to remain open and a series of measures have …
May, 2017
- 31 May
Ramadaan Questions
(QUESTIONS POSTED AS RECEIVED) Is it permissible to wear a pain patch while fasting? A pain patch is used externally, hence, will not invalidate the fast. You may fast in the month of Ramadhaan while using the pain patch. [Mufti Ebrahim Desai] One of my friends has a problem with …
- 30 May
Ramadaan Appeal 2017
Sayyiduna Anas Radhiyallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam was asked: “Which fast was most virtuous after Ramadan?” He said: “Sha’ban in honour of Ramadan.” It was asked, “Which charity is best?” He said: “Charity in Ramadan.” (Tirmidhi) __________________________________________________ All Praise be to Almighty Allah and the Choicest Salawaat and …