Nasihah (Advice): Tawaaf of the Ka’bah barefoot
Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abbaas Radhiyallahu Anhu reports: The Prophets used to enter the Haram walking barefoot. They would circumambulate the Ka’bah and complete all the rituals barefoot and walking. (Ibn Majah)
Question and Answer:
- In a Qiraan, Tamattu’ and Ifraad Hajj, is both; Damm-e-Shukr and the slaughtering of a Qurbani animal necessary?
(Question published as received)
- In a Qiraan and Tamattu’ Hajj (an Umrah and Hajj performed in one Ihraam and two Ihraams respectively), one Damm-e-Shukr is Waajib (necessary). In the case of an Ifraad Hajj (a Hajj performed in one Ihraam only), one Damm-e-Shukr is Mustahab (preferable). (Imdaadul Fataawa 2/197)
A Damm-e-Shukr refers to the slaughtering of a small animal for e.g. sheep/goat or one-seventh share of a big animal for e.g. camel/cow/ox/buffalo within the boundaries of the Haram. (Muallimul Hujjaaj 278)
On the other hand, Qurbani is Waajib (necessary) upon every Muslim person who is a Muqeem (non-traveller) and who is the owner of Nisaab during the days of Eid(10, 11,12th of Zul-Hijjah) (Hidaayah 4/355).
Hence, if during the days of Eid, a person performing a Qiraan, Tamattu’ and Ifraad Hajj is a Muqeem (non-traveller) and he/she possesses the Nisaab, then apart from Damm-e-Shukr being Waajib (necessary) or Mustahab (preferable), the slaughtering of a Qurbani animal will be Waajib (necessary) as well upon him/her. In this case, the Qurbani can be done within the boundaries of the Haram or at one’s country/home.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
(The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh unless otherwise stated.)