Muslims have been honoured by Allah Ta’ala to be the bearers of His noble book, the Quraan. The Quraan is a book of knowledge and guidance for all of humanity until Qiyaamah. It needs to be recited and understood so that it’s message may be implemented.
While Salaah is supposed to be a dialogue between a Muslim and his Creator, Allah Ta’ala, many non-Arabic speaking people do not understand what they recite in Salaah. This short book has been compiled so people may understand those Surahs which are most commonly recited in Salaah. Understanding their meanings and pondering over them will greatly improve concentration in Salaah. Readers are encouraged to study this compilation instead of merely reading them so that the content may be remembered whilst reciting the Surahs.
Together with the translation and explanation of each verse, the virtues, circumstances of revelation and overall lessons from each Surah have also been included.