All praise is due only to Allaah. We laud Him and beseech His aid and beg forgiveness only from Him and believe in Him and rely solely on Him. We also testify that Hadhrat Muhammad(ﷺ) is the faithful servant and the Last Rasul of Allaah. May Allaah Ta’ala’s mercy be on him, his family and his Sahabaah (رضي الله عنهم) and may He bless them and raise their status.
“Hayatus Sahabah” is the master piece of Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Khandelwi (رحمه الله). It gives the message of how Sahabah sacrificed their lives in the Path of Allaah and strove to implement laws, regulations of management, governance, discipline, control and mannerisms.
Sufis must read this book for the Details of Khilaafat and inter-relationship between Sahabah.
This book naturally leads one away from the love of the world and creates an inner yearning for Martyrdom, Da’waa and Tabligh.