For a long time, the concern of women’s dressing within our Dini circles was increasing by the year. Mention would be made of it from time to time, but, as much as it was hoped that the pen be put to paper on the topic; for various reasons there was not enough courage to embark on such a mission. Despite some senior scholars of the holy places expressing their concerns, it has become an overwhelming trend for ladies to dress in a western fashion when amongst themselves. It is as though the statements of these scholars dissolve into oblivion, in the midst of such a gigantic force of western influence. It has become a matter of great concern that, for a woman to shop for decent clothing in Muslim-owned chain stores has become almost impossible. Samples displayed in the windows of tailor shops are a shocking sight. In functions and get-togethers, females vie with one another to be more trendy in western fashions.
This book is not only a presentation of facts, but more importantly, a transmission of understanding, which takes place gradually during the cause of reading. It discusses various aspects related to women’s dressing as well as the guidelines of the Shari’ah in this regard. It is therefore humbly requested that the book be read from beginning to end, for the full benefit to be accomplished.