Allah Ta’ala, through His infinite mercy, has blessed this Ummah with the Mubarak effort of Da’wat and Tabligh i.e. the effort that was revived by Moulana Muhammad Ilyas (rahimahu Allah)
This effort focuses on self-reformation as well as reformation of the society at large so that ultimately all the injunctions of deen can be practically found in the lives of Muslims as was in the Mubarak era of Rasulullah (ﷺ).
The blessings of this work has spread throughout the world. The methods of its people are very similar to that of the Ambiyaa (alaihimus salaam). They go out to the people in every gully, avenue, bazaar and every home inviting people verbally, via their good character and excellent manner of working.
From head to toe, they present a practical manifestation of Islam. Therefore, the effects are certain. Nowadays we do not need too many lectures or books as there are plenty available already. We are in need of practical examples.