Health is not merely the absence of disease, but embraces mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being as well. Illness and infirmity is something that we all, at some point or the other, experience in our lives. How we respond to this indisposition varies. For some of us rest might suffice. For others a visit to the doctor or taking whatever medicine we have at hand in pursuit of cure and comfort is what we do to console our ailing body or mind.
It is true that many people in our society are not sick, but they are not healthy either. They might not be suffering from any specific disease per se, but most of the time they feel listless, lethargic or just miserable. They lack vim and vigour. They are depressed. What is the cause? And what is the cure?
Good nutrition is the path to a sound body and mind. Food heals. Food regenerates. Good food enhances the vibrancy of our cells, tissues, organs, nerves and blood vessels. Fresh fruit is healthy food and medicine. They are products of nature’s own factory: Pure, clean, unprocessed and their unique constitution is unattainable by man’s scientific machinery. Fresh fruit boasts all the minerals and vitamins required for a vital and healthy survival.
It is hoped that this book guides you and your family towards healthy, disease free living through the proper use of one of nature’s greatest spledour – Fruit.