The religion of Islam is a religion which leads ti endless bounties and eternal success. This success has so affected various individuals of society that many among them leave their noble mark on the pages of history. The reason for this is that Islamic morals purified society from immorality and showed them the path of righteousness. The evils of society such as oppression, murder, shamelessness, arrogance and miserliness were removed and replaced with mercy, compassion, justice, chastity, level-headedness and purity.
When one examines the pages of history, the reality dawns that men of such caliber were born from this legacy of nobility and purity, who left one envious and caused even their enemies to acknowledge their great virtue and merit. There not only a handful of such individuals, but the pages of Islamic history are filled with such esteemed, legendary personalities. among them was Umar bin Abdul Aziz (rahimahu allah)
It is hoped that together with reading this book, we are able to practise on the noble qualities that were found in the life of Umar bin Abdul-Aziz (rahimahu allah)