The love of children in embedded in the hearts of all parents by Allah, irrespective of the parents being Muslim or non-Muslim, black or white, eastern or western. There is no lack of evidence to prove this point. The millions of dollars spent annually by parents in purchasing clothing, shoes, food and toys for their children bear ample testimony to this. The heartbreak, trauma, depression and suffering experienced by parents as can be determined from newspaper articles reporting the disappearance of a child is further proof of the ingrained and inherent parental love.
This is where the similarity between Muslim and non-Muslim parents end. The love that Muslim parents have is not confined or limited to providing material and physical comforts nor to the requirements to this worldly sojourn only, but also to model the life of the child in the light of the teachings of the Quraan and Ahadith so that the child may enjoy a life of eternal happiness and joy in the Hereafter.
Islam is a complete way of life and has left no aspect of life without guidance and direction. It is a duty and obligation upon parents to bring up their children according to the guidelines set out by the Shariah. This book is a complete guide and will hopefully assist one in doing so.