The cellphone, an inseparable instrument of present day life, has now reached the hands of all and sundry. Men, woman, children, the rich, the poor – all face the challenge of the cellphone. This mobile tsunami has not spared anyone. The cellphone has moved on from being a necessity, to being a compendium of vain entertainment. In one’s pocket is no more just a phone, but rather, a radio, voice-recorder, camera, video player, T.V. and even the internet is included therein. As small as it is, the cellphone now has the capacity to give birth to a host of evils and vices.
This booklet is a detailed discussion of the limits and restrictions within which one can use the cellphone. The various laws pertaining to its use are mentioned. It is necessary that every Muslim abides by the these laws so that he may continue fulfilling the purpose of his creation (which is to recognize Allah and to worship him).
This booklet is, in fact, a compilation of all those questions that are posed regarding the use of the cellphone. Reliable Muftis have given their detailed answers to these questions. With the Taufeeq of Allah Ta’ala, the insistence of some sincere friends, and after witnessing the misuse of the cellphone, it came into the heart of the author that these Masaa’il must be referred to the Muftis and thereafter made available to the public.