Marriage Combo – Handbook of a Healthy Muslim Marriage + Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations


Handbook of a Healthy Muslim Marriage

The Handbook of a Healthy Muslim Marriage is the indispensable marriage guide. With a wealth of experience and a warm sympathetic tone, the author Shaykh Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera brings the insight of a scholar with thousands of hours of spiritual and marital-counselling practice and Islamic erudition to this crucial subject. Topics range from how to find a partner and dealing with in-laws to developing spousal intimacy and the unfortunate divorce.

Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations

Islamic Guide To Sexual Relations by Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam al-Kawthari. Fulfilment of sexual desire and needs are key in sustaining a harmonious marital relationship. However, in today’s society, sexual boundaries are being pushed further and further, and often, sexual deviance is openly practised. In such circumstances, there is a need to identify which sexual activities are permissible in Shari’ah.

Marriage Combo – Handbook of a Healthy Muslim Marriage + Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations