Nabi (ﷺ) said, ” Verily your body has a right over you.” (Bukhari #5199)
When a person is well and healthy he/she is able to function well. He/she is able to practice on all the injunctions of Deen easily as compared to a person who is physically ill. Good health is equated to a thousand other favours because it is with this one favour of good health that man will be able to enjoy the thousands of other favours of Allah Ta’ala.
For thousands of years, Hakeems in the Indian sub-continent, would prepare medication for intricate illnesses from ingredients that may be available in a housewife’s kitchen. Without having to go to a doctor or purchase expensive medication from a pharmacy, mothers and grannies were able to prepare effective medication for different illnesses in their homes, medication that had no damaging side-effects.
Unfortunately these remedies are slowly becoming extinct. Many of the older people have passed on and the younger generation have lost these valuable remedies. People are forced to go to doctors and pay exorbitant sums of money to pay drug companies for medication to regain their health. Together with the high price of the medication these medications often come with damaging side-effects.
Thus with the spirit of preserving these ‘natural home remedies’, this book was compiled.