When we imagine a traveller , what comes to mind? Perhaps we picture a person jet-setting to Japan with a Samsonite in tow. Or maybe we envision a man driving his dusty Kombi with a trailer in tow. Whatever it is that we imagine, none of us consider a person relaxing in his lounge to be a traveller, nor do we regard a person occupied in his work to be a traveller.
The reality of the matter is that each and every person’s life, from the cradle to the grave, is a journey along the ‘Path to Paradise’, and therefore every person is a perpetual traveller. When a traveller is intent on reaching his destination, he doesn’t break his journey, divert from the road on a detour or pause at any place unless absolutely necessary. Rather, he ‘passes by’ everything until he completes his journey.
Just as a person travelling along a road from place to another, faces various threats and dangers, and has to prepare accordingly, similarly is it on the ‘Path to Paradise’ – There are many hurdles, obstacles threats that await us in ambush on this path. Nabi (ﷺ) said, “Jannah has been surrounded with difficulties.” (Saheeh Muslim #7130)
The challenge is thus for us to navigate the path without falling prey to any of the threats and dangers that lurk along the path.
This compilation comprises of many articles that were handpicked for the benefit of one and all.