Nabi (ﷺ) was the most beloved of Allah’s creation. The Sahaba (RA) loved him intensely and were ready to give their lives for him. Praise from his blessed lips was for them a coveted asset- a priceless commodity that was a key to perpetual goodness. It was something that every Sahabi longed for. Similarly the dua of Nabi (ﷺ) for any Sahabi was a sign of the pleasure and approval of Nabi (ﷺ).
The best role models for women of every age are the Sahabiyaat (female companion of Nabi (ﷺ). They lived in the best of eras. Their hearts were pure. They worshipped Allah with great zeal. They sacrificed their lives and their wealth to elevate deen.
When Allah loved them it is obligatory upon the ummah to also drink from the waters of inspiration which flowed from their august personalities
Those who sincerely study the lives of these distinguished women will find their hearts softened with compassion, their eyes moistened with tears of admiration and their focus changed from this world to hereafter.