From among the giants of the recent past was Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas رحمه الله . He was considered as the revivalist of the 14th century Hijri. Allah تبارك و تعالى used him to bring Deen alive, not only in India, but throughout the world.
When Moulana noticed a rapid degeneration in the Deeni condition and religious values of the Muslims of Mewat, south of Delhi, to the extent that it was difficult to differentiate between their beliefs and practices and the beliefs and practices of the kuffaar, Moulana became extremely concerned and commenced the work of dawat and tabligh.
Moulana felt that the only way to reform and correct the Mewatis and bring them back onto Deen was through working among them and directly propagating Deen to them. Thus, with great difficulty Moulana commenced the work of dawat and tabligh thereby motivating and encouraging people to join in the effort. In the initial stages, people were unfamiliar with the effort and were reluctant to respond. However, after seeing that this effort was in total conformity to the Sunnah and was aimed at reviving the entire Deen in the Ummah at large, numerous people wholeheartedly embraced and joined the effort. The work of dawat and tabligh gained divine acceptance from Allah Moulana’s efforts and sincerity bore fruit during his very lifetime and within a few years a peaceful revolution was witnessed in the length and breadth of India. This revolution continued thereafter and has now reached the four corners of the globe.
This kitaab is a collection of some of the beneficial statements and golden words of Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas Kandhelwi رحمه الله.