From among the giants of the recent past was Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi رحمه الله. Hazrat Thanwi spent his entire life serving Deen. He was amongst the great Ulama and luminaries of this ummah. After qualifying, he spent approximately fourteen years in Khanpur, India, teaching, writing and propagating the knowledge of Deen to the people. During this period, thousands of students quenched their thirst at the feet of this “ocean of knowledge”.
In the year 1315 after A.H., Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi رحمه الله left Khanpur and on the advice of his spiritual mentor, Haji Imdaadullah رحمه الله , settled in Thana Bawan where he devoted most of his time imparting spiritual benefit to the masses.
Moulana رحمه الله was greatly talented and authored many books in nearly every science of Deen. The total number of books that Moulana رحمه الله authored in the various sciences of Deen is said to be over a thousand. It is for this reason that he has received and been honoured with the titles ‘Hakeemul Ummat’ and ‘Mujaddid-e-Millat’.
Although Moulana رحمه الله wrote such a large number of books, he did not earn a cent from them. All his work was solely for the pleasure of Allah. Out of gratitude to Allah for the khidmat of Deen that had taken from him, Moulana رحمه الله used to say, “Alhamdulillah, all the necessary work has been done. The path towards Deen has been cleared for centuries. Insha-Allah, my books, discourses and advices will be of assistance in Deeni matters for future generations.”
This book is a collection of the beneficial statements and golden words of Hazrat Thanwi رحمه الله.