“My Sahaba (radiy allahu anhum) are like guiding stars, whoever you follow you will be rightly guided.” (Musnad Abd ibn Humaid #783). This is the declaration of Rasulullah (ﷺ). It is therefore necessary to be well acquainted with the Sahaba (radiy allahu anhum) and to then follow in their footsteps.
This is a brief biography of Abdullah bi Mas’ood (radiy allahu anhu) who was the jurist of this Ummah, from among those who accepted Islam in the beginning and who possessed great knowledge in Deen. He had the great fortune of participating in the battle of Badr and was privileged to have migrated twice, once to Abyssinia and then to Madeenah Munawwarah. He had great virtues and accolades to his name and he had disseminated a great amount of knowledge to the Ummah.
Huzaifah bin Yamaan (radiy allahu anhu) said, “Among all the Sahaba (radiy allahu anhum), the one who resembled Nabi (ﷺ) the most in his manner of talking, in his manner of walking and in his general conduct was none other than Abdullah bin Mas’ood (radiy allahu anhu)
This booklet is a transcription of a series of talks which were conducted on the life of this great Sahabi (radiy allahu anhu).