Moulana Abul Hasan Ali An-Nadwi (rahimahu Allah) was an internationally renowned personality. He was an Aalim of a very high calibre and among the great thinkers of the time. One of his outstanding features was that while he enjoyed the special attention of the great Ulama of the Indian sub-continent, he was likewise held in high-esteem by the Arab Ulama,
He was blessed with sincerity, in-depth knowledge, piety, wisdom and a burning concern for the upliftment of the Ummah. Thus he worked tirelessly in serving the Deen and drawing the people toward Allah. He had also authored numerous books in this regard. Among other achievements, he was a historian of note and wrote several masterpieces that encapsulated the biographies of many luminaries of this Ummah.
This great luminary encapsulated his life experience and knowledge of Muslim history in three priceless points.