Among the greatest favours of Allah Ta’ala on this Ummat is the day of Jumu’ah. It is a very special and mubaarak day in the life of a Muslim. Allah Ta’ala showers His special blessings, mercy and rahmat upon us on this great day. Every Muslim should take special care to reap the great rewards that Allah Ta’ala has promised us on the day of Jumu’ah.
Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم has mentioned, “Certainly Friday is the leader of all days. It is a day greater and more honoured by Allah Ta’ala than the two Eids (Eidul-Adha and Eidul-Fitr). The father of all mankind, Hadhrat Aadam (alayhis salaam) was created on this day.”
Allah Ta’ala had specified this day as a day of ibaadah (worship) for the previous nations. However, because of their ill fate, they disputed and differed with regards to it. The result of this dispute was that they were deprived of this great bounty and this Ummah has been favoured with it. The Jews set aside Saturday on the basis that Allah Ta’ala had completed creating the entire universe prior to this day. The Christians set aside Sunday thinking that this is the day when Allah Ta’ala commenced with the creation.
The Muslims wholeheartedly accepted Allah Ta’ala’s decision and reserved the Jumu’ah as a day of worship. The day of Jumu’ah has great virtues and anyone who respects and reveres this great day will gain maximum blessings from Allah Ta’ala. We have been commanded by Allah Ta’ala to respect and revere the Sha’aair (great signs) of Allah Ta’ala and the day of of Jumu’ah is indeed amongst the great Sha’aair of Islam.