The period of making Masah over leather socks and removing them before the period expires

Nasihah (Advice): The duration for making Masah on the leather socks


Sayyiduna Ali radiyallahu anhu reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) permitted wiping over leather socks for three days and nights for the traveller and one day and night for the resident. [Sahih Muslim]



Question and Answer:


  1. I was travelling and I stopped half way at a garage to make Wudhu and perform Salaah. I had my leather socks on from the Morning which I had made Masah on already. Whilst I was making Wudhu, I mistakenly removed one of my leather socks and washed my foot. I didn’t know what to do so I removed both socks, washed my feet and then performed Salaah. Was this correct?


(Question published as received)


  1. The duration permitted for a traveller (Musaafir) to make Masah (wipe) over leather socks is 3 days and 3 nights and for a non-traveller (Muqeem), 1 day and 1 night.


However, if during the period permitted for one to make Masah over leather socks, one or both of the leather socks are removed, the duration permitted to make Masah terminates and the following applies:


  1. The leather sock/s were removed whilst in the state of Wudhu– The washing of both feet are necessary for the Wudhu to be considered complete.
  2. The leather sock/s were removed whilst not in the state of Wudhu– A complete Wudhu is necessary with the washing of both feet.


Thus, in the enquired case, it was correct for you to remove the other sock and wash both feet to perform Salaah. (Badaai’ 1/12)


And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best


Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

Mufti Moosa Salie


(The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh unless otherwise stated.) 


Fatwa Department
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) 

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