Nasihah (Advice): Menses is (a thing) ordained by Allah Ta’ala
Sayyidah Aisha (radiyallahu anha) narrates, “We set out with the sole intention of performing Hajj and when we reached Sarif, (a place six miles from Mecca) I got my menses. Allah’s Messenger (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) came to me while I was weeping. He said, ‘What is the matter with you? Have you got your menses?’ I replied, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is a thing which Allah has ordained for the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of the Tawaf (Circumambulation) round the Ka`ba.” [Sahih Bukhari]
Question and Answer:
- Can we remove hair and nails during Haidh period? We have learnt from young that we must not remove it during Haydh, only after we are done we can remove it.
- A. It is permissible for a woman to get rid of unwanted hair and clip her nails during Haidh (menstruation) and Nifaas (Post-Natal bleeding). (Hindiyyah 5/357-358)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammed Hamza Farooqui
Mufti Taahir Hansa
(The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh unless otherwise stated.)
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