Valuable Steps

There are many rewarding deeds whose merits are inflated based on the occasion in which they are carried out.

One such deed is:

Walking for the salah of Jumu’ah.

Sayyiduna Aws Ibn Aws (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihiwasallam) said:
Whoever (does the following on a Friday):
1. Takes a thorough bath,
2. Goes very early to the Masjid,
3. Goes walking, not riding,
4. Sits close to the imam (not against the back wall)
5. Listens attentively to the khutbah (sermon)
6. Doesn’t engage in futile activity (like, talking to someone or fidgeting with his hair, clothes or cellphone etc)

Will receive for every step:

The reward for one year’s fast and one year’s Tahajjud Salaah!

(Sunan Abi Dawud & Tirmidhi, classified as Sahih by Imams: Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban and Hakim. see: Targheeb, vol.1 pg.488)

There’s Nothing Better

One cannot imagine the amount of reward achievable for this weekly deed.

No wonder according to some experts, there is no other Sahih (authentic) Hadith with greater virtue than this one!

May Allah Ta’ala grant us all the ability to take advantage of this opportunity. Ameen.

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