
Hazrat Aaisha Radhiyallaahu Anha reports that Nabi Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said :”The best amongst you is he who is the best to his family and I am the best to my family.” (Tirmizi)


Hazrat Hakeem ibn Muaawiyaa Al Qushayri reports from his father that he said: “O Messenger of Allah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam! What are the rights of our wives over us? He Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “That you feed her when she desires this, that you clothe her when she requires clothes, that you do not strike her on the face, that you are not obscene and foul in speech with her and you do not separate from her except within the home.”


Hazrat Laqeet ibn Sabirah Radhiyallaahu Anhu reports, that he said :”O Messenger of Allah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam , I have a wife who is vile in speech. He Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said:”divorce her!”


I said: “I have a child from her and furthermore I have a long standing relationship with her.”


He Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, “Admonish her and if there is good in her she will accept (your admonishment) and do not beat your wife as you would do to your slave.” (Abu Dawood)


Hazrat Aa’isha Radhiyallaahu Anha reports that the Messenger of Allah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “The most complete believers in faith are those who are best in character and most compassionate to their families.” (Tirmizi)


Hazrat Abu Huraira Radhiyallaahu Anhu reports that the messenger of Allah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “If a man has two wives and he fails to mete out justice between them, on the day of Qiyaamah he will be raised up in a state where his side will be incapacitated. (Tirmizi)


Hazrat Abdullah ibn Zam’aa Radhiyallaahu Anhu said that the messenger of Allah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “One of you should not beat your wives as a servant is beaten and thereafter at the end of the day cohabit with her. (Bukhari & Muslim)




In a day and age where sadly the abuse and ill-treatment of women have earned common place within Muslim societies, we need to redirect ourselves to the teachings of our beloved Nabi Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam wherein we are cautioned with regards to the fulfilment of their rights.


Being the weaker and more vulnerable creation of Allah Ta’aala, Allah Ta’aala through the avenue of Nikah, has placed them under “caregivers” in the form of husbands. These “caregivers” are expected to love, cherish and honour those that Allah Ta’aala has placed under their custody.


However Islam has also acknowledged the fact that not every two people joined by the bonds of Nikah, are destined to be together till death. Incompatibilities, differences and an array of other issues feature in every human relationship.


When the afore-said become unbearable and put undue strain on the relationship and on life itself, then Allah Ta’aala, once again only through his sheer grace and mercy has created an avenue of release from this miserable and burdensome situation in the form of “Talaaq” (divorce).The Quran Kareem is explicit in this regard where Allah Ta’aala commands the husband “To release them honourably” (Surah Baqaraa-verse:229).This directive is issued to the husband when all hopes of a reconciliation have been shattered and all attempts at a reconciliation have failed. Withholding a woman in his Nikah without any justifiable Shar’ee reason and further oppressing her as we find today is a grave sin and an act of oppression for which severe warnings have been issued by Allah Ta’aala and his Rasool Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam.


May Allah Ta’aala protect our marriages and fill them with brimming love and compassion and should the time come, for which we seek the protection of Allah Ta’aala, to go our separate ways and start a new life, then we ask of him to endow us with the Tawfiq to act in an honourable and dignified manner. Aameen


NOTE: This article is in no way intended to advocate Talaaq. Its aim is to prevent the oppression of woman which is becoming widespread within the Muslim society.




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