Q. Respected Mufti Saheb
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
My mother is always very angry with me and bears enmity towards me. Therefore I have severed all ties with her and my brothers. Please advise me what I should do.
A. To respect and honour your mother is of fundamental importance. To stop talking and severing ties with her is a means of great deprivation. Likewise it is an extremely detestable act to cut off ties with your brothers. In the Hadith it is stated: “Join ties with the one that cuts ties off from you, forgive the one that has oppressed you and extend good treatment to the one who has illtreated you.” Never keep your focus towards the ill-conduct of people and towards how they have hurt you. Instead focus towards what your response should be (that you should respond with good character and excellent conduct). You may have read the following saying of Sheikh Saadi (Rahmatullahi Alayh):
“To return evil with evil is very easy. If you are brave and courageous, then return the ill-treatment of others with kindness.” (Tarbiyatut Taalibeen, pg. 208)
(From the writings of Faqihul Ummah)
Source: www.alhaadi.org.za
Fatwa Department
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians