Question Please verify the following: Once Moosa (‘alayhis salam) asked Allah (Subhanahu wa ‘Ta’ala) O Allah! You have granted me the honour and privilege of talking to you directly, Have you given this privilege to any other person? Allah Ta’ala replied, O Moosa! during the last period I am …
Read More »Virtue of Zam Zam water
Question Can you share authentic narrations that confirm the virtues of drinking Zam Zam water? Answer 1. Sayyiduna Abu Dharr (radiyallahu’anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) said: ‘It is indeed blessed (mubarak). It [also] serves as food for the hungry.’ (Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 6309) 2. Sayyiduna Jabir (radiyallahu’anhu) reports …
Read More »When should one recite the Duas of the toilet
Nasihah (Advice): Dua when entering and leaving the toilet Sayyiduna Anas Radhiyallahu Anhu reports that when Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallamwould enter the toilet, he would say: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from male and female devils.”(Tirmidhi) When Nabi …
Read More »If you are too Miserly to give Sadaqah then at least Spend on Yourself
Question: Is this a Hadith? “O People! Purchase yourselves from Allah. If one of you is too miserly to give his money [in charity] to people, then he should at least give charity to himself [i.e. Let him spend on himself]. He should [purchase and] eat and wear clothing from …
Read More »Twigs and flowers on the grave
Placing twigs and flowers on the grave Question: What is the Islamic perspective on placing twigs and flowers on the grave? بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Answer: There are two issues here which should not be confused. The first is placing a twig or a branch on the grave. The preferred …
Read More »Actions For Protection & Blessings In a New Home/Business Premises?
WHAT TO DO FOR PROTECTION AND BLESSINGS IN A NEW HOME/BUSINESS PREMISES? What to do for protection and blessings in a new home/business premises? Question Are there any deeds prescribed from the prophetic practice to be fulfilled after purchasing a new home or business? I have seen many engage in …
Read More »Folding Clothes in Salaah
Question Mufti i would like you to analyse the Fatwa below regarding folding the trousers above the ankles in salaah, which states that it is makrooh e tahreemi to fold the trousers above the ankles because of the hadeeth mentioned in the Fatwa.I would also like to know if the …
Read More »Was Khadeejah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) a “Working Woman”?
Question: Assalaamu ‘alaikum Respected ‘Ulama I shared this article on your website, regarding women working, with some of my friends. Someone then mentioned that since Khadeejah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) was a merchant and used to work, it should be fine for Muslim women to work as well. What is the correct answer to …
Read More »Is slavery still allowed in Islam in this day and age?
Question: Is slavery still allowed in Islam in this day and age? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Before answering your query, we shall reproduce an excerpt regarding slavery in Islam from Ma’ārif al-Qur`ān by Mufti Muhammad Shafi Uthmani below: …
Read More »How authentic is the story of ‘Umar (Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu) burying his daughter alive?
Answered according to Hanafi Fiqh by During our bayans some of the brothers narrate the incident of during jahiliya Sayyidna Umar RA buried his daughter alive. 1. Is the narration authentic? Is there any truth to the incident? 2. Of course Allah is pleased with him, so the incident even if true …
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