Cii Radio | 16 Muharram 1436/10 November 2014 Over the years, counsellors and therapists have developed a range of techniques to diagnose problematic marriages. “Are you to the point that your spouse just can’t do anything right, does everything they do get under your skin? Does everything lead to an …
Read More »Returning to the Qur’ān. By Maryam Amirebrahimi After two hours of taraweeh and four hours of tahajjud, the Shaykh was crying to Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) in his prostration, pleading with Allah (swt) to forgive him. This Shaykh would have to stop reciting the Qur’an because he was weeping so much. He would recite verses of …
Read More »Ceaseless Reward Even After Death …Can Good Deeds Be Continuously Rewarded?… Abu Hurairah narrated that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end except three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and righteous offspring who will pray for him.” (Muslim) …
Read More »Reliance on Allah – Tawakkul
TOPIC: Reliance on Allah (SWT) Alimah Sobia Qasim Tawakkul means leaving everything on Allah SWT. Allah SWT lies above asbaab. But unfortunately, our state is that we are running after the sabab and forgetting that Allah SWT is the one who causes asbaab in the first place. He …
Read More »How to be mindful of Allah SWT at all times
Transcript of a advises delivered by Sheikh Kamaluddin Ahmed If a person makes zikr (remembrance)with their tongue and their heart isn’t in it, they will get the reward for that zikr, and it will be written in their good deeds but that zikr won’t purify their heart and it …
Read More »The Slippery Slope: Dealing with those at risk of losing Imaan
Bint us salaam – Cii Radio | 28 August 2014/02 Shawaal 1435 In a little town close to the Indian Ocean, a piece of land was given for a Masjid. After the Masjid was built it was named after the sister who donated the property. The woman married a Hindu man …
Read More »The Qur’an: A Great Source of Blessing
By Abu Muhammad Yusuf The Qur’an is indeed a great miracle and source of blessing. The month of Ramadhan, also known as the month of Quran, is a time that many Muslims rejuvenate their faith and take heed of the truth sent by Allah in the Qur’an unto mankind. …
Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his famous book Al-Waabil As-Sayyib Min Kalaam At-Tayyib: …So if Allaah intends goodness for His slave [after he has fallen into a sin], He opens up the doors of repentance for him and puts [in his heart] the feeling of need [for …
Read More »Etiquettes & Method of Dua
These etiquettes are narrated in the Hadith. For reasons of brevity, only the following summary and reference of each Hadith is mentioned instead of the entire Hadith. To abstain from haraam food, clothing and earnings. (Muslim, Tirmidhi) To make Dua with sincerity. In other words, one should …
Read More »The Majesty of Makkah al-Mukarramah
By Maulana Khalid Dhorat If you gaze long enough at the Ka’bah, you will come to realise that there is much more than meets the eye about this elegantly-draped, empty, cubed-shaped building. There are no neon lights on it to seize your imagination, no intricate architecture to marvel at, and …
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