Compensation for missed Salaah after a person’s demise

Nasihah (Advice): What benefits a person after his demise?

The Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “When a person passes away, all his actions cease except for three: a) Sadaqah Jaariyah (perpetuating charity), b) knowledge which he imparted and is now being benefited from or c) a righteous child who will make Dua for him” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith #: 1631)

Question and Answer:
Q. As salaam mu Alaikum What happens if the deceased has quadha salaah and does not have money in the estate to pay fidyah.?

(Question published as received)

A. The heirs should do Istighfar (seek forgiveness) on his behalf. If the heirs wish to give any charity on his behalf, they may do so as a voluntary gesture.

And Allah Knows Best
Fatwa Department
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians

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