PROJECT H.E.L.P. – Pre-Ramadaan Distribution


In an attempt to provide some comfort this Ramadaan to a few of our underprivileged Muslims in Durban, the Jamiat KZN Project H.E.L.P. team undertook a pre-Ramadaan distribution to a small community of Malawian nationals residing in a dilapidated house in Centre Street, Overport. The team discovered 2 families and over 30 males at the 3-bedroom double-storey house, all living in pitiable conditions.


Alhumdulillah, by the Grace of Allah Ta’ala, on Wednesday 16 May 2018, a day before Ramadaan the team delivered the following aid:


  • Sehri/Iftaar food hampers (a substantial hamper which included dates, non-perishable food items, a hygiene and crockery kit all packed in a sealable reusable heavy-duty plastic crate)
  • Blankets
  • Mattresses

May Allah Ta’ala use our humble efforts as a means of engendering unity in the Ummah and may He accept the contributions of our donors and the efforts of all involved, Aameen.

For donations towards future PROJECT H.E.L.P. local outreach efforts, kindly deposit funds into any of the following bank accounts:


Albaraka Bank Limited

Kingsmead (800 000)

Jamiatul Ulama KZN (Project Help)

Account Number: 786 0021 9999


First National Bank

Umgeni Junction (200913)

Jamiatul Ulama KZN (Lillah Projects)

Account Number: 5089 1141 828

Reference: Project HELP/Name

Lillah/Sadaqah only


Jazakallah Khayran.


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