Alhamdullilah, by the Grace of Allah Ta’ala, the Jamiatul Ulama KZN has undertaken relief work in many parts of the globe in its efforts to alleviate the plight of the Ummah and to continue our global support, the Jamiatul Ulama KZN embarked on an ongoing humanitarian aid relief project in Bangladesh for the Rohingya refugees.
The Jamiat KZN continues to personally coordinate and supervise its distribution of humanitarian aid to the Rohingya refugees with its second relief team, which arrived in Bangladesh on Monday 5th February 2018.
After overcoming many challenges such as ensuring reliable supply and prompt delivery by suppliers of aid items purchased along with extensive preparations, the relief team managed to distribute the following humanitarian aid in the various Rohingya refugee camps:
Food hampers: 3 700 (over 37,000kg)
Baby hampers: 550
Husk firewood hampers: 18 300 (over 275,000kg)
Blankets: 20 200
Shawls: 12 340
In addition to personally supervising every delivery and distribution of the above aid, the team initiated the construction of housing, water and sanitation infrastructure.
On their way to one of the most remote camp closest to the Myanmar/Naf River border, the team witnessed first-hand on the banks of the Naf River refugees still coming across the border.
The greatest need of the refugees at present is food, firewood and medicine.
May Allah Ta’ala bless our Rohingya brethren with ease and comfort and that their plight not be forgotten.
May HE accept the efforts and contributions of one and all.
Jazakallahu khayran to all our donors and well-wishers!
Jamiat KZN Banking Details:
Bank: Nedbank
Branch code: 128905
Account Name: Jamiatul Ulama KZN (RELIEF)
Account number: 1355 154 049
Reference: Rohingya (please state whether Zakaat or Lillah)