Unfortunately, many people have various superstitious beliefs. Amongst these beliefs, is the belief that the month of Safar is a
month of evil and bad luck. Rasulullah came at such a time when the world was filled with darkness and completely eradicated all
such beliefs. It was such a time when there were 360 idols in the Ka’aba. These idols were removed and Tauheed was imbedded in
the hearts of the believers.
It is unbefitting of a Muwahhid (one who believes in the oneness of Allah) to stoop to such a low level where one entertains such
superstitious beliefs. Maulana Abdul Hamid D.B has discussed the issue of superstition and its various forms in this
Kitaab and the great wealth of Tauheed.
May Allah grant us the Taufeeq of acting upon these valuable advices? Ameen!