Question: A latecomer enters the Musjid when the Imam is in Sajdah. Should he join the congregation (Jama’ah) immediately or should he wait for the Imam to rise from Sajdah and join the congregation thereafter? Answer: A person should join the Imam immediately upon reaching the congregation …
Read More »Can one wipe his nose in Salaah if it is dripping?
Question: I would like to know of any ruling regarding the use of a handkerchief/ tissue in salaah. a) Can one hold it in salaah and use it when needed in salaah? b) Can one retrieve it from a pocket whilst in salaah? c) Can one blow the nose (loudly …
Read More »Salaah on an Airplane
Question: I would like to know if a person performs his Fardh Salaah in an airplane will he have to repeat his Salaah, when he lands? Jazakumullah. Answer: It is permissible to pray Salaah on an airplane whilst it is in motion. It is advisable to repeat the Salaah after landing …
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