Figures from the police database show that in the first three quarters of 2024 85% of group-based child abusers were white, while 3.9% were of Pakistani origin.The same calculation for 2023 showed 70% of offenders were white, and 6.9% were Pakistani.
The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) released the data in a media briefing in the wake of heated debate in the House of Commons over whether there should be a national statutory inquiry into Pakistani grooming gangs.
The political heat was triggered by a series of tweets from Elon Musk on the subject.
Gabrielle Shaw, chief executive for the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, said: “The weaponisation of people’s trauma is reprehensible… Someone’s trauma should not be used to score political points, or as clickbait.”
The issue of “grooming gangs” in the UK has garnered significant attention, controversy, and debate over the years.
The term has become particularly associated with cases where groups of men of similar ethnic backgrounds, notably British Pakistani, were involved, though the crime is not exclusive to any one group.
High-profile cases include those in Rotherham, Rochdale, and Telford which became focal points due to extensive reports and inquiries revealing systemic abuse over decades.
In Rotherham, an inquiry led by Professor Alexis Jay in 2014 found that at least 1,400 children were sexually exploited between 1997 and 2013, with many of the perpetrators being men of Pakistani heritage.
In Rochdale similar patterns were observed, leading to the conviction of several men in 2012.
And in Telford, an inquiry in 2022 revealed extensive abuse, with over 1,000 victims identified.
While some high-profile cases involved men predominantly from British Pakistani backgrounds, broader data shows that the majority of child sexual offenders in the UK are white.
A 2020 Home Office report also emphasised that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white.
The discussion around these crimes has led to accusations of both racial profiling and political correctness, with some arguing that fears of being labeled racist delayed action against these gangs.
Politicians like Suella Braverman have been criticised for highlighting the ethnicity of offenders in specific cases, while others argue for a race-neutral approach to tackling child sexual exploitation.
Despite multiple local inquiries, there’s been a push, especially highlighted by social media influencers like Elon Musk, for a national inquiry to address the scale and systemic failures comprehensively.
Debunking Elon Musk’s Grooming Gangs Hoax
Date:January 10, 2025
If you have a habit of keeping up to date with what’s happening on X (formerly Twitter), you may have noticed, these last few days, how Elon Musk has been boosting certain posts related to “Pakistani-Muslim grooming gangs.” He has also been explicitly lending his support to Tommy Robinson, who is perhaps the UK’s most well-known far-right personality. Yet Tommy, far from being a genuine English nationalist, is a known Zionist shill who dedicates his every waking moment to attacking Islam and Muslims.
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It would thus appear to be an appropriate time for us to take a closer look at and scrutinize these claims regarding “Pakistani-Muslim grooming gangs.”
To begin with, the reason they are called “grooming gangs” is because the girls, mostly young White girls from the working class and living in precarious conditions, are “groomed.” What this means is that they are initially enticed rather than coerced into performing sexual acts, etc. It is usually only at a later stage that they are eventually sexually exploited by “gangs.” It typically tends to begin, however, as a personal relationship with a single individual who offers them cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.
The involvement of these girls in all of this may have the appearance of being voluntary, but there is a sociological analysis here that is worth considering. These girls are considered to have been “groomed” because they’re emotionally vulnerable, and they’re emotionally vulnerable because they grew up in and were shaped by an environment which happened to facilitate this.
Thus, if Tommy Robinson and his ilk truly had any genuine concern and desire to address such an unfortunate issue and remedy it, they should be paying closer attention to the upbringing of these girls. Where is the father-figure that should be protecting them, keeping tabs on their whereabouts and activities, and disciplining them when they step out of line? Where is the sense of religious and cultural self-awareness, so they know better than to go around flirting with “strangers” or seeking out and being tempted by contraband and unlawful substances?
Of course, this does not, in any way, excuse the disgusting and despicable behavior of the vile animals who take advantage of these girls and cause them great harm, but every problem should be analyzed from its root causes before going on to investigate the consequences that arise as a result of it.
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Official Statistics
“Grooming gangs” generally fall under the wider category of “child sexual abuse.” Hereunder are the official statistics from the UK’s Ministry of Justice. It should also be noted that these are fairly recent numbers, with the sources all being dated after the year 2020. (The full PDF can be accessed here).
We thus see that the “White-British” demographic actually represents the vast majority of these cases, and the typical argument of “White-British are represented that way because they’re the majority” doesn’t quite work. Why? Because they constitute a whopping 83% of the defendants proceeded against for child sexual abuse offenses, while they make up 75% of the general population. There is therefore an over-representation which amounts to a difference of 8%. (Note: this number is specifically for the White British demographic, and when non-British Whites are also included, that number rises even further, to 88%.)
British-Pakistanis, on the other hand, account for only 2% of those proceeded against for child sexual abuse offenses while also being 2% of the general population.
One counter-argument to the above which is sometimes thrown around is that this is only regarding individual criminals, not groups or “gangs.”
This too has been disproven by an official report as mentioned in an article published in The Guardian a few years ago:
The majority of child sexual abuse gangs are made up of white men under the age of 30, an official paper has said.
The report, which covers England, Scotland and Wales and summarises a range of studies on the issue of group-based child sexual exploitation (CSE), also known as grooming gangs, said there was not enough evidence to conclude that child sexual abuse gangs were disproportionately made up of Asian offenders.
High-profile cases including in Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford have involved groups of men of mainly Pakistani ethnicity, fuelling a perception that it is an “Asian problem”.
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Why Blaming Other Religions Would Make More Sense
A common feature among these “Pakistani-Muslim grooming gangs” is that they involve individuals who are extremely disconnected from religion. Such individuals are immersed in many behaviors and crimes that not only betray the most basic Islamic values but are in fact unlawful in Islam and, under the Shari’ah, would be punished by corporal or capital punishment.
These individuals are thus far from being ideal representatives of Islam, religious role models, or outstanding citizens, let alone being in the class or religious scholars and clerics. From the perspective of Islam and Muslims, they are criminal elements deserving the severest forms of punishment in the eyes of the Islamic legal system, i.e., the Shari’ah.
Conversely, in many of the other “world religions,” child sexual abuse has often been commonplace even among the clerical class.
Let us take a look at some figures in relation to Christianity, for example, as summarized by Bravehearts, an Australian child protection organization:
The analysis of sexual abuse claims relating to the Catholic Church compiled data from a survey of 75 Catholic Church authorities — with priest members — and 10 Catholic orders whose members are religious brothers and sisters. It classed 7% of priests over that period of time as alleged perpetrators of sexual abuse. The St John of God Brothers had the highest proportion of religious brothers who were classed as alleged perpetrators (40.4%) followed by Christian Brothers (22%), Salesians of Don Bosco (21.9%) and Marist Brothers (20.4%). The highest proportion of alleged perpetrators who were Catholic priests came from the Benedictine Community of New Norcia (21.5%) along with the Salesians of Don Bosco (17.2%) and Marist Fathers (13.9%) (Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, 2017b).
A report analysing claims of sexual abuse made with respect to Anglican Church institutions in Australia was also released by The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in 2017. This report identified 569 alleged perpetrators along with 1,085 victims who came forward to report an incident within the Anglican Church between 1980 and 2015. Of all alleged perpetrators, 94% were male, 247 were ordained clergy (43% of all known alleged perpetrators), and 285 were lay people (50% of all known alleged perpetrators). Victims were an average age of approximately 11 years and this did not vary for the gender of the complainant. The average time between the first alleged incident date and the date the complaint was received was 29 years (Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, 2017c).
The most comprehensive study of child sexual abuse in the US Catholic Church comes from an earlier study by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, which found that 4% of all priests who had served from 1950 to 2002 were subject to allegations of child sexual abuse (John Jay College, 2004, Terry, 2008, cited in Parkinson, 2014).
These numbers would appear to be endorsed even by non-secular observers. We read in a 2024 news from the Australian Catholic University:
The first nationally representative figures on the prevalence of child sexual abuse by leaders or other adults in religious settings shows nearly three-quarters of the reported cases occurred in Catholic-run organisations.
The research, led by ACU’s Institute of Child Protection Studies (ICPS), reveals about 0.4 per cent of the population, or an estimated 87,000 Australians, experienced sexual abuse during childhood by leaders and other adults in religious organisations including male and female clergy, priests, and pastors.
These numbers are absolutely staggering. Keep in mind too that this is only in relation to Australia alone. Imagine what the situation may be like in other parts of the world where child protection is less of a concern and where the Catholic Church wields more power than it does in the secularized Anglosphere (e.g., Latin America or Sub-Saharan Africa).
When it comes to Judaism, here’s some recent news from just a few weeks ago, as reported by Reuters:
Guatemalan authorities rescued 160 children and adolescents from the fundamentalist Jewish sect Lev Tahor in southeastern Guatemala on Friday following allegations of child abuse, including rape, prosecutors said.
The Lev Tahor community, founded in 1988 in Israel, practice an austere form of Judaism with interpretations of Jewish law that includes long prayer sessions and arranged marriages.
Lev Tahor (“Pure Heart” in Hebrew) has faced multiple allegations of kidnapping, child marriage and physical abuse since it was founded in the 1980s.
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Notice how, just like in the case of Christianity where we see priests being the guilty party, here it is a “fundamentalist” Jewish organization. The “Pakistani-Muslim grooming gangs” weren’t operating as scholars, religious authorities, or as “fundamentalists.” As a matter of fact, a return to “fundamentalism” would make the existence of “grooming gangs” virtually impossible. This is because the very first step, i.e., the emotional exploitation of vulnerable (mostly White working-class) girls, would be completely out of question, especially considering that the “fundamentalist Muslim” does not socialize or mix with females in this manner. Furthermore, public lashings of fornicators, public executions of adulterers, public punishments for drinking alcohol, taking drugs, etc., would effectively deter even the most perverted individuals from so much as harboring the slightest thoughts of pursuing such depraved actions.
Finally, let us take a look at Hinduism and the infamous “Devadasi system,” where thousands of young girls are pushed into what has been described as “temple prostitution.”
Despite the practice having been outlawed for decades, within the southern state of Karnakata alone (accounting for 60 million out of India’s total population of 1.4 billion), they number between 70,000 and 80,000. Just imagine what that number looks like when including the entirety of India.
In November 2024, The Straits Times, the most widely circulated newspaper in Singapore, published an article titled “Girls in India forced into prostitution after being made to ‘marry’ deity,” in which the following is mentioned:
Huvakka Bhimappa was not yet 10 years old when she became a “devadasi” – a girl coerced by her parents into an elaborate wedding ritual with a Hindu deity. Many girls in this situation are then forced into illegal prostitution.
Devadasis are expected to live a life of religious devotion, forbidden from marrying other mortals, and forced at puberty to sacrifice their virginity to an older man, in return for money or gifts.
It now serves as a means for poverty-stricken families from the bottom of India’s rigid caste hierarchy to relieve themselves of responsibility for their daughters.
The practice was outlawed in Ms Bhimappa’s home state of Karnataka back in 1982, and India’s top court has described the devotion of young girls to temples as an “evil”.
Campaigners, however, say that young girls are still secretly inducted into devadasi orders. Four decades after the state ban, there are still more than 70,000 devadasis in Karnataka, India’s National Human Rights Commission wrote in 2022.
Girls are commonly seen as burdensome and costly in India due to the tradition of wedding dowries. By forcing daughters to become devadasis, poor families gain a source of income and avoid the costs of marrying them off.
You see that, in terms of sheer magnitude and level of evil, this goes way beyond what was going on with the “Pakistani-Muslim grooming gangs.” Once again, we are talking here of a Hindu religious practice, as found in traditional Hinduism.
So Mr. Elon Musk, rather than digging up some terrible news from almost 15 years ago (the sociological definition of a “generation” is 15 years), perhaps you should focus instead on more recent and current issues of child sexual abuse as found among the clergy and religious traditions of other “world religions.”
We haven’t even touched here upon what is the dominant religion of today, i.e., philosophical liberalism (which includes both the political left and the political right by the way).
The young White-British girls who have suffered from being raised within a post-industrial economy and a secularized environment with no religious (including “patriarchal”) values should not be made to relive the horrors they have already endured once again, merely for the stupid political calculations of Mr. Elon Musk.
We pray that all abusers, whether Pakistani or not, whether Muslim or not, will face the punishment they deserve, be it in this world or the next.
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