Project H.E.L.P. – Durban Flood Relief


Sayyiduna Adi bin Hatim Radhiyallahu Anhu reported that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said, “Protect yourself from the Hell-fire even by giving a piece of date as charity.” (Bukhari and Muslim)


On Monday 24th April 2019, many areas in Kwa Zulu Natal were battered with severe wind and rain storms which resulted in severe flooding and landslides. One of the severely affected areas was Silverglen in Chatsworth, where infrastructure was extensively damaged.

Many homes, businesses and the local Masjid were left without running water since Monday.

The Jamiatul Ulama KZN Project H.E.L.P Team received a request from the Chatsworth Ulama Council to provide relief and distribute water to the residents in the area.

Alhamdulillah, on Wednesday 26th April, our team, together with volunteers from the area, were able to arrange and distribute over 850 X 5litre water bottles to people of all faiths as well as the local Masjid and Darul Uloom in the Silverglen area.



On Thursday 27th April, the Project H.E.L.P Team also visited the Bayview Civic Hall where temporary accommodation is being provided to families whose homes were washed away or damaged. The team distributed blankets, hygiene packs, water and clothing to these displaced families.

The Jamiatul Ulama is currently assessing other areas, with the hope of rendering and assisting those that have been affected or displaced by the storm, Insha Allah.

Food items (canned foods, dry foods etc.) and new blankets, can also be donated and will be accepted at the Jamiatul Ulama KZN office at 223 Alpine Road Overport.

May Allah Ta’ala accept the efforts of all volunteers and service providers and may He remove the difficulties of the community, Ameen.



Anyone wishing to contribute towards this worthy cause can deposit funds into our banking account.

Banking Details for Project H.E.L.P.

Al Baraka – Kingsmead (800 000)

Account Name: Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)

Account No: 786 00219 999

Reference: PROJECT HELP (Flood Relief) & Your Name

Jazakallahu khayran!

Disclaimer: Any surplus funds/items from this project will be utilised for any other projects as required.


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