South Africa is home to an estimated 4.42 million people over the age of 60, which is projected to increase to 7 million in 2030!


16% of retired people are fully dependent on state pensions, 31% have to keep on working to earn a living, and 47% depend on family or friends for financial support, which leaves only 6% of South Africans who can retire financially independent of others.


Since its establishment in 1958, TAFTA has been the leading provider of care for the elderly in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.  To assist them in their efforts, the Jamiat KZN PROJECT H.E.L.P. relief team periodically undertakes local outreach projects at their various old age homes and frail care centres.

Alhumdulillah, on Thursday 21st December 2017, the PROJECT H.E.L.P. team distributed over 150 food hampers to the aged residents of Langeler Towers, an old age home situated in the Ushaka Point area of Durban.  These residents are solely reliant on state pensions for financial support.


Each hamper was neatly packed in a 10L reusable bucket and consisted of the following:


  • 8 x sachets instant soup
  • 5 x packs instant noodles
  • 1 x tin baked beans
  • 1 x tin spaghetti
  • 1 x tin fruit jam
  • 1 x 500g sugar
  • 1 x 1L juice concentrate
  • 1 x 1L long life milk
  • 1 x pack 100 teabags
  • 2 x packs 125g biscuits

Before the hampers were distributed, the residents all gathered in the dining hall where a brief introduction (Dawah) to Islam was presented to them.


Each one of them expressed their immense appreciation when receiving the hamper, which was clearly evident by the joy on their faces.


May Allah Ta’ala use our humble efforts as a means of attracting them towards Islam and may He accept the contributions of our donors and the efforts of all involved, Aameen.

For donations towards future PROJECT H.E.L.P. local outreach efforts, kindly deposit funds into:


Albaraka Bank Limited

Kingsmead (800 000)

Jamiatul Ulama KZN (Project Help)

Account Number: 786 0021 9999


First National Bank

Umgeni Junction (200913)

Jamiatul Ulama KZN (Lillah Projects)

Account Number: 5089 1141 828


Reference: Project HELP/Name


Lillah or Sadaqah ONLY.


Jazak-Allahu Khayrun


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