Rohingya Ramadaan Relief


Alhamdulillah, the Jamiat KZN international relief team continues to personally coordinate and supervise its distribution of humanitarian aid to the Rohingya refugees. Our most recent trip involved the distribution of food aid to the refugees who are in dire need of food this Ramadaan.



Thayankali Camp 

Alhumdulillah, we completed our allotted hamper distribution at Thayankali today (3 June 2018) which was again personally supervised. A total of 574 food hampers were distributed.



Noyapara Camp

Alhumdulillah, with the help of Allah Ta’ala, 767 hampers were distributed here today, despite some early logistical problems that were encountered and we were able to make up for lost time. The plan is to complete the remainder of the hampers and start a new allotment at other camps tomorrow, Insha’Allah.



Hakimpara Camp

The team undertook an inspection of a Medical centre at the Hakimpara camp with further plans to increase medical support Insha’Allah. Whilst stationed at this camp, the team arranged for the slaughtering of 7 cows and the distribution of the meat.



We take this opportunity to thank our generous donors for having made thispossible, through the grace and mercy of Allah Ta’ala. May Allah Ta’ala assist our suffering brethren throughout the world and may He ease their suffering.


Jamiat KZN Banking Details:

Bank: Nedbank

Branch code: 128905

Account Name: Jamiatul Ulama KZN (RELIEF)

Account number: 1355 154 049

Reference: Rohingya (please state whether Zakaat or Lillah)


Jazakallah Khayran


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