Visiting The Raudha Mubaarak

Visiting The Raudha Mubaarak

madinah_munawwarah_editedVirtues of visiting the Raudha Mubaarak:

Presenting oneself in the court of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is one the greatest acts of worship, for which great rewards and virtues have been promised in the Ahaadeeth. Hereunder are a few virtues:

  1. “My intercession becomes necessary for the one who visits my grave.”(Daaraqutni/Bayhaqi)
  2. “Visiting me after my death is akin to visiting me during my lifetime.”(Daaraqutni)
  3. “The one who visits me with this being his sole intention will be in my company on the day of Qiyaamah.”(`Uqayli)

(A detailed discussion on the authenticity of these narrations can be seen in the book Shifaaus Siqaam li Ziyaarati Khairil Anaam of the Hadeeth Master Taqiyyud Deen As-Subki (r.a.) and other detailed works on this subject.)

One of the greatest virtues is that when a person presents himself before Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam and offers his salaam, Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam personally listens and replies to his salaam. (See Shifaaus Siqaam and Alqoulul Badee` of Shamsud Deen As-Sakhaawi r.a.)

Together with the virtues, visiting the Raudha Mubaarak has always been the practice of the Ummah since the time of the Sahaabah y.

Mulla `Ali Qari (r.a.) – the great Qari, Mufassir, Muhaddith and Faqeeh – writes: “Visiting Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is one of the greatest acts of worship, most virtuous of deeds, most promising means of attaining high ranks and is close to the position of the compulsory acts according to the consensus of the Muslims, regardless of those who oppose this view.” (Irshaadus Saari pg. 502)

By this last statement Mulla `Ali Qari (r.a.) refers to some people who do not ascribe to any Mazhab. Under the pretext of directly following the Quraan and Hadeeth they contradict the entire Ummah and erroneously opine that it is impermissible to travel to Madinah Munawwarah with the intention of visiting Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam. However, this view is against the practice of the Sahaabah and Taabi`een and is the direct result of abandoning the following of the illustrious Imaams of Fiqh.

Qaadhi `Iyaadh (r.a.) says: “Visiting the Qabr of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is an accepted and unanimously agreed practice amongst the Muslims and an encouraged virtuous deed.” (Shifaaus Siqaam pg. 53)

Visiting the Raudha Mubaarak (part 2)

Etiquettes of visiting the Raudha Mubaarak:medinah_tumb

When visiting the Raudha Mubaarak is such an important and meritorious act, then obviously it deserves utmost respect and etiquette.

There are many etiquettes of visiting the Raudha Mubaarak, the details of which are not within the scope of this article. However a few shall be listed below:

  1. In principle, we should understand that during the entire journey to Madinah Munawwarah and the visit to the Raudha Mubaarak, the main element is love. If one has true love for Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, then no one needs to instruct him how he should conduct himself in the esteemed presence of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam. All these etiquettes would be displayed instinctively by him.
  2. The intention for visiting Madinah Munawwarah should be purely to visit Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
  3. One should not feel that he is visiting a dead person, rather it is the belief of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa`ah that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is alive in his grave. (Refer Shifaaus Siqaam, Alqoulul Badee` and other detailed books on this subject.)
  4. Upon reaching Madinah Munawwarah, one should settle down as quick as possible (without rushing), take a bath, wear one’s best clothes and apply `Itr (as one does on the days of Jumu`ah and `Eid).
  5. Proceed to the Musjidun Nabawi keeping in mind the sacredness of the land upon which one is walking. Be absolutely grateful to Allah Ta’ala for bestowing one with this great opportunity despite not being worthy of it.
  6. It is preferable to give some Sadqah before presenting oneself at the Raudha Mubaarak.
  7. Enter the Musjid fulfilling all the etiquettes.
  8. Read two Rakaats of Tahiyyatul Musjid, preferably in the Riyaadhul Jannah if possible, otherwise in any other place in the Musjid.
  9. Engage in Du`aa, by firstly thanking Allah Ta’ala for affording one this great opportunity and secondly begging Him for His forgiveness. Thereafter, one should implore Allah Ta’ala to cleanse one’s heart and make one befitting of appearing before the august presence of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
  10. Proceed to the Raudha Mubaarak with utmost respect, with the heart brimming with the love of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam and with the tongue constantly engaged in Durood.
  11. Present oneself before Rasulullah sallahu alaihi wasallam and offer one’s Salaam to him imagining him replying to the Salaam and with the full conviction that he does reply to the Salaam.
  12. Instead of reading the Salaam from a card or book in parrot-fashion, one should rather offer short forms of Salaam with full concentration, e.g. “As Salaatu was Salaamu `alaika ya Rasulallah” or “As Salaamu `alaika Ayyuhan Nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh”.
  13. Convey the Salaams of others in this manner, “As Salaatu was Salaamu `alaika ya Rasulallah min (the person’s name)”.
  14. Request Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam for his intercession on the day of Qiyaamah.
  15. Engage in Du`aa to Allah Ta’ala for all one’s needs. There is great hope of this Du`aa being accepted.
  16. Remain standing in front of the Raudha Mubaarak for as long as one remains focused.
  17. Move slightly to the right and offer Salaam to Abu Bakr radiyallahu anhu in these words, “As Salaamu `alaika ya Aba Bakr”, and move further to the right and offer Salaam to `Umar radiyallahu anhu saying, “As Salaamu `alaika ya `Umar”.

If one follows these few guidelines, with concentration and the correct frame of mind, it will be a means of receiving tremendous benefit from this visit to the Raudha Mubaarak, Insha-Allah.

May Allah Ta’ala bless us with the opportunity of presenting our impure souls and bodies in the esteemed court of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam time and again with true love and respect, and then returning from there purified and forgiven, Aameen.

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