Male & Female massages


Nasihah (Advice): Islam is characterized by its modesty

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah radiyallahu anhu reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Verily, every religion has a distinct characteristic and the distinct characteristic of Islam is modesty.” [Sunan Ibn Majah]



Question and Answer:


  1. Kindly advise if it’s permissible for a female to get a back and legs massage by a non-Muslim female, and vice versa, for a male to get a massage by a non-Muslim male. This massage is not for any medical reasons.


  1. A. In regards to men, a man is permitted to have a massage done by a Muslim or non-Muslim man of his entire body except the area between his navel to his knees (Awrah/Satr).


In regards to women, a Muslim woman is permitted to have a massage done by a Muslim woman of her entire body except the area between her navel to her knees (Awrah/Satr).


However, a Muslim woman is not permitted to have a massage done by a non-Muslim woman except for her hands, feet, and face.


This ruling is subject to the condition that there is no temptation or lust perceived by either one during the massage.


In the case of medical needs and necessities, the limitations of the Awrah/Satr will be relaxed to the extent of necessity. (Hindiyyah 5/327)


And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best


Mufti Muhammed Hamza Farooqui

Mufti Taahir Hansa


(The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh unless otherwise stated.) 


Fatwa Department
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) 

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